Committee Project Fund - Deep Foundations Institute

Committee Project Fund

Request for Proposals for the 2025 DFI Committee Project Fund is open.

The deadline for submission is December 6, 2024. Note that most committees are requesting draft proposals by September 1, 2024.

The DFI Board of Trustees established the DFI Committee Project Fund (CPF) in 2011 to fund DFI committee projects that advance the state of practice and understanding of deep foundations and produce a usable deliverable. The fund has generated great interest, discussion and activity in the committees. Funding has supported projects proposed by 19 committees, and deliverables include laboratory/field testing, installation/demonstration programs, analytical tools, design guides, journal articles, project reports, databases and surveys. All projects involved significant in-kind contributions or joint funding with allied associations, furthering DFI’s industry-wide collaborative efforts.

cpf chart

Proposals are selected based on the following criteria:

  • Benefits to deep foundations industry (broad impact)
  • Innovation
  • Timeliness/relevance/immediacy of impact from results
  • Quality of proposal (clarity, focus)
  • Value of deliverable
  • Probability of achieving goal
  • Cost/benefit and cost sharing (matching funding, in-kind contributions)

In Progress Awards

CPF projects, led by DFI’s technical committees, are pushing the boundaries of research and innovation. Each project is a testament to the application of cutting-edge technology, innovative problem-solving, and rigorous engineering principles.

Completed Awards

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