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Training Committee on Foundation Technologies (India)
DFI of India Training Committee on Foundation Technologies was formed in the year 2022 to enhance various aspects of foundation construction based on demand from the industry.
Training programs are conducted/planned on topics like Support Fluids for Foundation Construction, Tremie Concrete for Deep Foundations, Working Platform, Tool Management for Construction Equipment, and various other topics.
Committee Chair
Er. Ravi Kiran Vaidya
Geo Dynamics
Mr. Ravikiran Vaidya, Principal Engineer of Geo Dynamics has been instrumental in popularizing the concept of Deep Foundation Testing in India. He has created a deep foundation testing industry and today Geo Dynamics is India’s biggest and well acclaimed company in this field. He is the recipient of the prestigious Dinesh Mohan Award for Excellence in Professional Practice for the year 2018-2019 by the IGS. He is one the national executive committee member of IGS, DFI and on the IRC and BIS sub-committee and is well acclaimed both in academia and industry.