DFI Professional Resources

DFI has compiled a list of relevant online and downloadable resources for professionals in the deep foundations industry.

Industry Tools

Find A Pile

A catalogue documenting studies of pile foundations under lateral loading to assist geotechnical engineers, researchers and contractors in their design selection, numerical modeling, and construction selections.

Geophysics Web Tool

A repository of knowledge on geophysics and nondestructive test (NDT) methods for solving specific engineering problems during site investigation, construction, and maintenance of highways.

EFFC/DFI Carbon Calculator

A tool that will calculate the CO2 emissions of foundation and geotechnical works. It is designed to allow contractors and commissioning organizations alike to assess the carbon footprint of their projects.

Young Professors

To ensure the future of DFI and the industry, we have created a Young Members Council for members age 35 and younger. The council is committed to advancing programs and services for young members and helping young members build their professional careers.

Young Professor Paper Competition​

Since 1985, DFI and the DFI Educational Trust have held an annual Young Professor Paper Competition as a means to help bridge the gap between practice and study.

Introduction to Helical Piles and Helical Anchors

Download the DFI Helical Piles and Tiebacks Committee’s narrated University PowerPoint on the design and construction for helical applications. The file is large, so be patient.

Static Load Testing of Deep Foundation Elements

View the Testing & Evaluation Committee’s tutorial video on Static Load Testing of Deep Foundation Elements.

Connect with Us

Stay informed about the Deep Foundations Institute and connect with DFI members from around the world. We’re active on several popular social media platforms.

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