Geotechnical Characterization for Foundations (India)

DFI of India Geotechnical Characterization for Foundations Committee was formed in 2018 to improve and enhance the geotechnical investigation and reporting practice in India.

headshot of CR Parthasarathy

Committee Chair

Dr. CR Parthasarathy

Founder Director, Sarathy Geotech & Engineering Services Pvt ltd.

Dr. CR Parthasarathy is the founder director of Sarathy Geotech & Engineering Services Pvt ltd. He started his career as a Geotechnical Engineer in 1993 and involved in numerous large scale site investigation/engineering studies for both Offshore and Onland projects viz., multistoried complexes, refineries, embankments, bridges, water-retaining structures, offshore platforms, pipelines, Jackup rigs etc. As a technical partner of Pile Dynamics USA, he is instrumental in promoting quality testing of deep foundations in India and authorized trainer for high strain dynamic pile testing. He is the Chairman of IGS-Bengaluru Chapter and Executive Committee Member of DFI-India.

Purpose Statement

  1. Enhancing Good Work Practices
    1. Proper and adequate subsurface exploration and characterisation practices for informed design, improved constructability and bid economy.
    2. Innovative technologies.
    3. Effective procurement practices for subsurface characterization services.
    4. Adequate construction observation monitoring to determine whether field modifications are necessary during construction.
  2. Skill Development Programs
    1. Develop and implement skill training programs for soil investigation lab technicians and field supervisors.
    2. DFII signed 5-year MOU with the National Academy of Construction, a Telangana state government organisation, to jointly implement these programs.
  3. Promotional Activities
    1. Organize workshops and seminars to raise the level of awareness of the need for and economic benefits of accurate and effective subsurface characterisation information.
    2. Increase stakeholder awareness of the necessity to effectively manage ground risks.
    3. Collaborate with similar organizations to improve the professionalism of subsurface characterization.
    4. Identify current issues and suggest possible solutions.
    5. Introduce policy intervention wherever needed for enhancing the quality of geotechnical investigation works by closely working with relevant government organisations/authorities.
    6. Promote active liaisons with BIS,IGS, IIT, NIT, NAC, CIDC, NSDC, major construction organisations, soil investigation agencies, design consultants, soil investigation and lab equipment and tools manufacturers.

Committee Initiatives

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