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Structural Slurry Wall and Seepage Control
DFI’s Seepage Control Committee and Slurry Wall Committee merged at the start of 2023.
The mission of the Structural Slurry Wall and Seepage Control committee is to be a collaborative forum to discuss and disseminate best practices for structural slurry walls and seepage control, and to advance the awareness, use and performance of structural slurry wall and seepage control technologies.
Committee Chairs

Meeok Kim, Ph.D., P.E.
Thornton Tomasetti
Meeok Kim has 19 years of experience with geostructural engineering practice. She received a Ph.D. in civil engineering from Virginia Polytechnic Institute. She serves as a geostructural engineer with Thornton Tomasetti, specializing in the analysis and design of complex below-grade systems such as deep excavations, unique foundations and tunnel access shafts in various regions of U.S. The common denominator of her experience is a system governed by soils and the structures interactions. Kim is an expert on the performance of deep foundation systems, has been involved in various types of slurry wall projects, and has designed dozens of slurry wall and LBE foundations.

Mary Ellen Large, P.E., BC.GE
Nicholson Construction Company
Mary Ellen Bruce Large, P.E., D.GE, is a Business Development Executive for Federal Markets for geotechnical specialty engineering and construction contractor, Nicholson Construction in Pittsburgh, PA. In this role, she is focused on strengthening relationships in the dams and levees industry. She is a professional engineer in Pennsylvania, New York and Michigan; a member of ADSC, ASCE, Chi Epsilon, DFI, Engineers Without Borders, TRB, USSD, and ASDSO; and a Diplomate of Geotechnical Engineering. She has authored/co-authored technical papers on micropiles, deep mixing, and ground anchors. She serves as the executive director of the International Society for Micropiles (ISM). She holds a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering from the University of Maryland and a master’s degree in geotechnical engineering from Cornell University.
Committee News & Events
Our fundamentals lay the deep foundations for all our work.
- Industry Practice Standards and DFI Practice Guidelines for Structural Slurry Walls (2005)
- Guide to Tremie Concrete for Deep Foundations (2nd Edition) [English]
- Guide to Tremie Concrete for Deep Foundations (2nd Edition) [Spanish]
- European Federation of Foundation Contractors (EFFC) Research Report
- Guide to Support Fluids for Deep Foundations (1st Edition)
- Guide to Working Platforms
- Recommended Industry Practices for Safe Working Platforms for Construction Equipment
- USACE Grouting Manual
- DFI Soil Mixing Guidelines
- FHWA Design Manual: Deep Mixing for Embankment and Foundation Support
- GeoConstructability – An Owner’s Guide to Obtaining Essential Geotechnical Information for Construction
Related Links
- ASCE Geo-Institute Deep Foundations Committee
- ISSMGE TC212 Committee on Deep Foundations
- AASHTO Committee T-15
- ASTM Subcommittee D18.11 Deep Foundations
- TRB Committee AKG70 Foundations of Bridges and Other Structures
- ASCE Geo-Institute Soil Improvement Committee
- ASDSO – Association of State Dam Safety Officials
- USSD – U.S. Society on Dams
- ICOLD – International Commission on Large Dams