Drilled Shaft​
Committee Initiatives


Completed Committee Project Fund Awards

Best Practices for Bored Pile/Drilled Shaft Design and Construction

International technical working group to define best practices in North America and Europe for design, construction, contracting, QC/QA and innovations.


EFFC-DFI Tremie Concrete Guidelines

Joint project with European Federation of Foundation Contractors (EFFC) to improve tremie concrete practices for deep foundations.


Combined Effects of Lateral Spreading and Superstructure Inertia

Design codes vary significantly on how to analyze and design piles subjected to liquefaction and lateral spreading. Therefore, there is a need to develop design guidelines that are practical and based on high-quality experimental data.


Rock Socketed Pile Project - Investigate shear amplification at soil-rock interface in rock socketed drilled shafts

Investigate shear amplification at soil-rock interface in rock socketed drilled shafts.


Design Guidelines for Pile Foundations Subjected to Liquefaction-Induced Lateral Spreading

Numerical analysis to develop design guidelines for p-y solutions combining lateral spreading and superstructure inertia.


DFI Committee Project Fund Deliverables

Best Practices for Bored Pile/Drilled Shaft Design and Construction

International technical working group in North America and Europe defined best practices for design, construction, contracting, QC/QA and innovations. DFI Journal, Volume 10, Issue 2, December 2016.

Find a Pile

Literature review and development of online database of previous large scale pile experiments.

Simulated Tremie Pour

Tremie concrete pour simulation for 52 ft deep drilled shaft. Colors represents the age of concrete. Stages simulate the lifted tremie pipe. The oldest concrete is pushed to the top of shaft.

Guide to Tremie Concrete for Deep Foundations (2nd Edition)

EFFC-DFI task force developed guidance for characterization related to performance, mix design process, and methods used to test fresh concrete.

Guide to Support Fluids for Deep Foundations (1st Edition)

EFFC-DFI task force outlined the state of the art of support fluid practice to improve existing design, testing and practices for deep foundation elements – bored piles (drilled shafts), barrettes (LBEs) and diaphragm wall panels.

CSL Task Force

Supporting Testing and Evaluation Committee review of existing cross hole sonic logging rating criteria and proposing improvements for potential future incorporation in codes and specifications.

Side and Base Resistance Task Force

Studying the mechanisms of load transfer between side and base resistance in drilled shafts. Deliverables include consensus document on rock-socketed drilled shafts.

Research on soil-supported drilled shafts continues.

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