Geotechnical Characterization for Foundations (India)
Committee Initiatives


Geotechnical Laboratory Skills Training Programs

  • 3-month Soil Investigation Laboratory Training program – for freshers: This program is designed to train fresh candidates on the basics to advance geotechnical laboratory tests and certify them as skilled manpower for absorption in the industry.
  • 5-days short term training-cum-certification program for existing geotechnical investigation lab technicians: This program is designed to evaluate the competencies of the existing geotechnical lab technicians and certify them as skilled manpower after a 5-day brush-up course.

In progress…

Enhancing Good Work Practices for Geotechnical Characterisation

  • Identify current subsurface characterisation issues and suggest possible solutions.
  • Introduce policy intervention wherever needed for enhancing the quality of geotechnical investigation works by closely working with relevant government organisations/authorities.
  • Promote active liaisons with BIS,IGS, IIT, NIT, NAC, CIDC, NSDC, major construction organisations, soil investigation agencies, design consultants, soil investigation and lab equipment and tools manufacturers

Coming soon…

Practices for Efficient Subsurface Characterization Webinar

The committee started a webinar series starting from August 2024 titled “Practices for Efficient Subsurface Characterization” to address the critical aspects of subsoil investigation and characterization, which are fundamental to the success of any construction project involving deep foundations.

Knowledge Dissemination Programs

  • Organize workshops and seminars to raise the level of awareness of the need for and economic benefits of accurate and effective subsurface characterisation information.
  • Increase stakeholder awareness of the necessity to effectively manage ground risks.
  • Collaborate with similar organizations to improve the professionalism of subsurface characterization.

Coming soon…

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