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Manufacturers, Suppliers and Service Providers
Committee Initiatives
MSSP Committee Meetings
The MSSP Committee Meetings are held 3 times per year:
- April – Midyear Committee Week via Teams
- June – SuperPile in person and via Teams
- October – DFI’s Annual Conference in person and via Teams
MSSP Call For Abstracts
DFI’s 40th Annual Conference will be held from October 7 – 10, 2024 in Aurora, Colorado. The Manufacturers, Suppliers and Service Providers (MSSP) call for abstracts is now open.
MSSP Spotlight
DFI’s MSSP Spotlight is an eNewsletter series highlighting the products and services of DFI corporate members.
Past Issues
Check out recent releases of MSSP Spotlight.
DFI Expo Sessions
Commercial presentation sessions at DFI events are recorded and made available for public viewing.
19 Videos

DFI49 MSSP Expo: Hubbell Power Systems, Inc. | Chance - Beyond the Charger: Helical Piles for EV...
DFI49 MSSP Expo: Worldsensing - Event Detection: High Frequency Data Collection from Wireless...
DFI49 MSSP Expo: CRM, Srl - Development of Measuring Tools Related to the Technique of Jet Grouting
DFI49 MSSP Expo: HMH - Wirth - The Role of Reverse Circulation Drilling in Challenging Foundation...
DFI47 MSSP Trade Expo: Geo-Instruments - Support of Excavation Monitoring: What's in the toolbox?
DFI47 MSSP Trade Expo: Giken America - Innovative Construction Solutions Using Press-in Method
DFI47 MSSP Expo: Texas Pile - Cost Savings Utilizing Driven Piles in Central Texas Expansive Soils
DFI47 MSSP: GeoMisure & Lorenzetto Loris - your partners for grouting equipment & datalogging needs
13:41Enhancing Exhibitor Opportunities
Join us in the exhibit hall at DFI events to network and learn about advancements and innovations in foundation technologies, products and services.