DFI of India Groundwork – Students

Emulating the success of DFI, its Indian chapter embarked upon implementing multiple programs for the benefit of the student community in India pursuing coursework in geotechnical and foundation engineering and construction.


  1. Supplement academic coursework with practical design, construction, QC/QA topics
  2. Provide professional development teaching for personal growth in career planning
  3. Highlight various roles involved in foundation construction projects (engineer, contractor, manufacturer, owner, in addition to academic)
  4. Describe various types of careers within these project roles and introduce students to companies in deep foundations
  5. Raise awareness of DFI and its chapters and resources available through membership
  6. Provide DFI companies an audience with potential employees and corporate showcase opportunities


Free Student Membership

As a student, you can become a DFI member for free* and benefit from all the opportunities DFI offers. Student Individual Membership is allowed for students enrolled in a deep foundations related curriculum/master’s in Geotechnical Engineering* for up to two years or until course duration and who provide a copy of their college ID with submission of their application.

Free Monthly Webinar Series

Regularly scheduled 1.5 hour webinar programs are presented to include both technical and professional development topics.


Technical Session

Presentations are offered by experts from different parts of the world with domain knowledge in different specialised fields which enhance the knowledge received during university courses.

Professional Development Session

Presentations and panel discussions provide soft skills needed by students to be successful as they pursue their career beyond the classroom. Examples include developing CVs, developing abstracts for paper presentations, job interview skills, negotiation skills, etc.

Internships for Students

Groundwork India committee is helping students find Internship Opportunities in companies in DFII’s contacts. Internships are provided to enhance student’s practical knowledge and to connect them to the industry. The interested students can check the provided details and apply accordingly.

DFII Annual Conference Program

DFII annual conferences offer multiple opportunities for students to develop their professional network and continue their learning of latest foundation techniques being used in the field:

  • Paper competitions are regularly conducted, and awardees of best papers are rewarded with citation certificates, free registration to the conference and other benefits.
  • Students attending the conferences will
    • Hear worldwide key speakers and other experts in person to know technological advancements, case histories with lessons learned, educational messages.
    •  Interacting with global experts/key speakers, industry leaders, professionals from different organizations to know and pursue internship/career prospects.
large group of attendees posing for photo



Free, unlimited downloads of 140,000+ papers and articles on mining, tunnelling and deep foundations construction from this online document library which include all DFI publications older than one year. To access OneMine, login to your myDFI account.

Deep Foundations Digital Magazine

Free access to DFI’s flagship publication, Deep Foundations, which provides 4-5 technical articles in each of the bi-monthly issues on state-of-the-art project, new techniques, products and technology plus news on DFI’s technical activities and events.

DFI Journal Articles

Visit DFI-Journal.org, login with your myDFI information and access all Journal papers from 2007 inaugural issue to the current volume.

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