Dan A. Brown, Ph.D., P.E., D.GE, chief engineer and senior principal, Dan Brown and Associates, has been selected as the 2022-2023 Traveling Lecturer. He is available, on request of DFI, to present lectures September 1, 2022 – August 31, 2023.
As one of America’s leading authorities on the construction and design of deep foundations, Brown will travel and present a series of lectures to university students, professional groups and industry associations. The program promotes the field of geotechnical engineering and deep foundation construction by encouraging students to explore a career in the deep foundations industry, providing information on topics of interest to members of the industry, and raising awareness of how DFI and its activities support the industry.
After completing his education and his early engineering career in Louisiana, Brown spent 22 years on the faculty at Auburn University, where he taught and conducted research on deep foundations. He remains active in deep foundation practice through his consulting firm, Dan Brown and Associates. His consulting work includes the foundation design of numerous large bridge projects as well as commercial structures. He remains active in teaching through short courses, including the National Highway Institute course on drilled shafts, and in organizing the ADSC Professor Training Workshops in Chattanooga, Tennessee.
Brown has authored numerous technical papers and was lead author of the recently released 2018 FHWA manual on design and construction of drilled shafts. He has been recognized with the Golden Beaver Award from the Beavers, the ASCE Huber Prize for research, the ASCE Martin Kapp Foundation Engineering Award, the Deep Foundations Institute Distinguished Service Award and the ADSC Outstanding Service Award. He is a past-president of DFI, a member of The Moles, honorary member of the Beavers, past chair of the Geo-Institute Deep Foundations Committee, and an honorary technical affiliate of both the ADSC: The International Association of Foundation Drilling and the Pile Driving Contractors Association.
Following are the topics available for the 2022-2023 traveling lecture series:
- A Foundation Engineering Trip Down the Mississippi
- Drilled Foundation Construction in the 21st Century, or the Art & Science of Hole Digging
- Experiences with Bi-directional Cell Load Testing
- Management of Risks in Foundation Construction and Design for Transportation Infrastructure Projects
- Quality Assurance and Acceptance of Drilled Foundations
Learn more about the Traveling Lecturer program, request the Traveling Lecturer to speak at your event or nominate someone as a future Traveling Lecturer.