Deep Foundations Institute (DFI) announces the availability of a new edition of the DFI Journal, a peer-reviewed publication of high-quality technical papers.
DFI Journal: Volume 16, Issue 2 includes winning and runner-up papers from DFI’s 2022 Student Paper Competition, papers generated as part of DFI’s technical committee projects, and excellent research and case study contributions from across the geo-disciplines.
Here’s what’s included:
“Life Cycle Assessment of Drilled Shafts,” by Mina Lee and Dipanjan Basu. This paper explores the application of life cycle assessment (LCA), a widely used methodology for quantifying environmental impacts associated with the life cycle stages of a system, to drilled shaft foundations.
“Axial Load Capacity Predictions of Drilled Displacement Piles With SPT- and CPT-based Direct Methods,” by Genesis Figueroa Palacios, Antonio Marinucci and Anne Lemnitzer. This paper is the outcome of a DFI-supported Technical Committee Project by the Auger Cast and Drilled Displacement Pile Committee on the ability to predict axial load capacities of drilled displacement piles (DDPs) with SPT and CPT-based direct methods.
“A Comprehensive Comparison and Analysis of In-Situ Dynamic and Static Tests of a Cased Drilled Shaft,” by Ingrid Tomac, Kevin Zhu and Yaliang Wang. The authors jointly analyze the undrained bearing capacity of temporary cased drilled shaft foundations installed as part of a new tower in Zagreb, Croatia.
“Combined Effects of Liquefaction-Induced Lateral Spreading and Superstructure Inertial Loads on Pile Foundations,” by Jared A. Martinez, Arash Khosravifar, Ahmed Ebeido, and Ahmed Elgamal provides new guidance on the combined effects of liquefaction-induced lateral spreading and superstructure inertial loads on pile foundations. Martinez was the winner of the 2022 DFI Student Paper Competition for this contribution.
“Combined Side and Base Resistance in Rock-Socketed Drilled Shafts – A State of the Art Consensus,” a consensus document contributed by the DFI Drilled Shaft Committee.
An online subscription to the DFI Journal is available to DFI members at no additional cost. All journal papers since 2006 can be accessed by signing in at Nonmembers can purchase individual articles for $25 each or join DFI as an individual member for just $130/year to receive online access to all DFI Journals.