Invited Speakers Announced for SuperPile ’23 June 7-9 in Atlanta

headshot of meyer
Matthew Meyer, P.E., D.G.
headshot of frost
David Frost, Ph.D., P.E., P.Eng., F.ASCE

Invited speakers have been selected for SuperPile ’23, the leading piling design and construction conference hosted by DFI in partnership with ADSC. The annual SuperPile conference is taking place at the Atlanta Marriott Marquis on June 7-9.

On Thursday, June 8, Matthew Meyer, P.E., D.G., of Langan Engineering and Environmental Services, is presenting “Geotechnical Challenges and Foundation Solutions for the Mercedes Benz Stadium.”

On Friday, June 9, J. David Frost, Ph.D., P.E., P.Eng., F.ASCE, is delivering a talk titled “The Role of Interface Compatibility in Deep Foundation Performance.”

“We are ‘super’ excited to have these renowned speakers at SuperPile ’23,” says Conference Chair Morgan NeSmith of Berkel. “Bringing experts to share insights into projects, technologies and trends is what makes DFI events so informative and meaningful.”

The technical program also includes presentations and panel discussions on the latest developments in piling foundations, highlighting design approaches for foundation optimization, innovative approaches to foundation construction, as well as case studies and topics relevant to the Southeast region.

Other conference highlights include DFI technical committee meetings; the Osterberg Memorial Lecture; exhibits featuring more than 70 manufacturers, suppliers and service providers; and the Women in Deep Foundations (WiDF) networking reception at Skyline North on the 10th floor of the Atlanta Marriott Marquis. A separate registration is required for the WiDF fundraising reception.

Visit the website at to register as an attendee, exhibitor or sponsor.

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