MSSP - Deep Foundations Institute

Manufacturers, Suppliers and Service Providers

The goal of this committee is to maximize the value of member benefits for DFI’s manufacturer, supplier and service provider members by providing opportunities to increase networking and technical activities. Through these enhanced opportunities, these deep foundations industry innovators will add increasing value back to the entire organization and the industry at-large. The committee is currently establishing their mission statement, purpose and goals.

headshot of anderson

Committee Chair

John Anderson

Specrete-IP Incorporated

John Anderson is the President of Specrete-IP Incorporated the manufacturer of Intrusion-Aid Grout Fluidifiers used in augercast pile grouts and other foundation elements. John has over 40 years of experience in the concrete and grouting industry.  He spent 8 years with Master Builders (now BASF) working with both pre-packaged grouts and concrete admixtures, was president of the Spray-Cure/Chemmasters Company in Ohio from 1986 – 1995 and has been with Specrete since then.

Purpose Statement

The MSSP committee is a group of manufacturers, suppliers and service providers involved in the deep foundations industry. We strive to educate, provide resources for, and partner with our fellow DFI members to improve their processes and projects.

Committee Initiatives

Browse our initiatives, both complete and ongoing.

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